Comodo Dragon ver 29.0 is now available for download

It does not happen on Win7.

BDos_Err is right, I have this error using Win 7 32 bit.

If I go to any page, and press the backspace to go back to the History or others pages. A new Tab opens.

I have also noticed that I cannot view the Extensions on the top right of screen, It seems to be locked out.

One more thing if I type and address, for Example and I wish to go to I should highlight the top Browser bar to enter the address it seems locked there. I have to open a new tab to go to a page but the main homepage screen seems to stay and it’s locked. I can Close and type a search in a search menu, but that is about it.

So this needs to be looked at.



Yes, let’s hope so.

Thanks for the info about Chromium 31 :slight_smile:

Does anyone notice the Version (portable) is less responsive? For example it takes a bit to close, open a tab. It’s quite fast it’s visible. I didn’t spot it in the previous version.


I Fixed this Problem I had. I Ran CCE and I Found a Rootkit.Hiddenfile within Users>Useraccount>AppData>Local>Microsoft>Windows>History>history.IE5\MShist then a bunch of Numbers before it said container.dat.

So this Rootkit I have no idea how I got it, but if effected I.E.10 and Comodo Dragon.

I have the Rootkit Hidden file within Quarantine Items.

After the full CCE scan, it said restart to clean and to scan for more hidden files. When My PC came back online it tried to Clean it and it said failed. So that is why I have left it in Quarantine .

If there was away to remove it and send it off to Comodo I would, But I cannot get to that area of History/History.IE5 section. < that is hidden.

So I thought I bring it up.



Bug still in 29.0. Wrong working screen detection. 1 px left in top between toolbar and comodo window.
Only CD problem. I haven’t that issues with other programs for 3 years of using custom toolbars.


Not import passwords from Firefox 24, only bookmarks.

I have the latest version, the 29.1, please fix it


Are we going to get an announcement for 29.1?

I am on 29.1 :smiley:

Forum how not have an update (29.1) message ?

new version 29.1 seems alot faster then previous one. i normally dont notice.

Comodo Dragon Download (2023 Latest) v29.1 88)

Just checked Dragons home page and it is downloading V29.1.
Comodo Dragon Internet Browser

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I guess it’s because of

How would Chrome 30 make Dragon 29.1 (Chromium 29.0) faster? :-\

Anyhow, support for TLS 1.2 has been fixed (test here). :-TU

Well before Oct.1 update, there was update on 18.Sept

So I’d assume it’s still Chrome 30, but numbering is different? I don’t know.
There was no other (excluding minor) updates in between.

Comodo Dragon ver 29.1 is now available for download

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