Comodo CIS and Windows 10 Compatability?.

That’s the point where it stops. I was able to install an older version of Comodo Firewall and did the upgrade to 8.2. As I followed the steps you mentioned, this was the error message:[quote=Windows 10]Das angeforderte Feature konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden. Fehler: Zugriff verweigert

The requested feature could not be added. Error: Access denied
It would be great to know how to bypass the driver-error :slight_smile:

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In all machines I have migrated Win7 (x32 and x64) to Win10 (also Home and Pro), CIS is not doing automatic updates, only manual updates.
In all machines I have migrated Win8.1 (x32 and x64) to Win10 (Home), and in all machines I have installed Win10 from zero, CIS actualizes database automatically.
Please, is this a general problem?

Is CIS reporting anything when the automatic are not running? Can you see if Diagnostics can fix this?

In general when doing a big upgrade like this expect some of the driver based programs like security programs to give problems. In case of problems we advice a reinstall to see if that fixes the problem. I didn’t have the problem when updating to the latest fast ring build of Windows 10 x64.

Hi, EricJH,
Diagnostics does not report any errors. I have reinstalled CIS in all machines, but CIS still does not do automatic updates. I have noticed that to support and my question was reported to the developer staff. In this time, I am doing manual updates. Except this, CIS seems to me working OK in Win10 after my migration from Win7. If you have any news about this, please, let me know.

I have the same problem. Upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Win10. Firewall didn’t work, so I just reinstalled CIS. Now looks like everything except automatic updates works fine. But I can manually update without any errors.

Somebody help me with, for example, command line options for updates so that I can add it to scheduler.

Try the following and see if that works for you:

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EricJH, Looks like it works. Thank you.
Though I can’t create any task in COMODO dir. So I created it in root. Does CIS should create task like this by itself? Maybe CIS just can’t create task in this dir (or it’s protected by CIS area).

Try right clicking on the Comodo folder and choose Import Task.

In COMODO folder it always error. Not only import, but any attempt to create any task.

Do the following instructions on how to completely remove a corrupt task help here: Task Scheduler corrupt tasks ?

Thanks. I was able to find some entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\COMODO which not present in Task Scheduler. After deleting those I was able to delete COMODO folder in Task Scheduler (earlier I can’t). Than I turn off and turn on updates in CIS and CIS successfully created 5 own tasks in COMODO folder. Problem solved I think.

hast du KAV installiert? dann deaktiviere mal den Selbstschutz und versuche den Comodo Treiber hinzuzufügen.

deactivate KAV self-devense and install the comodo driver…