COMODO Backup Bug reports

The email notifications feature of Comodo Backup is the most important feature for me, and it does not appear to be working in version The “send test message” works just fine in the Backup Destination (Step 2.) page, under Email, and clicking the Send test message. I successfully receive the test message.

When I click Next to go to the Backup Settings (Step 3.) page, the email notification is never filled in, so I set it to notify On Success and On Failure, and select the email profile from the drop-down list. On this page, if I click the “Send test message” button, Comodo Backup displays an error “Test message could not be delivered”.

If I continue and go through the backup, the log says the following:

“Unable to send notification email because 33”

After installing upgrade to some backup settings are not saved

If I go into manage backups and edit one of the backups and select which folders to backup, then save.

When I go back in, none of the folders are selected for backup, all the check marks are blank

Zip archives created with Comodo Backup has ‘???’ (‘question’) symbols instead cyrillic symbols in file and folder names. I cannot exract files adn restore from these archives.
This bug was reported for version 4.1.4 and it still exists in version

  • Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit);
    Win7 Home Basic Russian
  • Other Backup & Security Software Installed;
    Comodo Internet Security

Regards, Oleg

CB does not seem to read or save all settings in the .CBS file.

Hi, I am a complete noob to CB and, for the most part, it seems to be working OK; but…

It does not remember that I want to create a new log file each time or remember the name and location of that log file.
Also it does not remember the processor resource settings and I want it to “verify backup after creation” in the before/after tasks; it does not seem to remember that either!

Any ideas?

Using v4.2.2.15 on Win7 64-bit
