CIS v6 - Security for the Masses

With defaults it gives only Unlimited Access Rights popup, no other popups.

This version is good & usable for masses.

The only thing left is the update/upgrade of programs. If you install a completely new program & get a popup & you sandbox it, this is not that a prob. But when you update/upgrade a program already installed fine on the system & whitelisted by Comodo & the update/upgrade version is not whitelisted by Comodo & you get a popup & you sandbox it then this may mess up the already installed fine programs.

I wish Comodo come up with some technology where already installed & whitelisted program by Comodo doesn’t get popup for their update/upgrade versions. I know Comodo keeps updating the local TVL for this but local TVL is only for signed programs & there are many unsigned safe programs installed on the system.

Whereever I have mentioned “You”, means “Masses”

I haven’t seen this happen but then everything I have updated so far has been a signed program. I think I only have two unsigned things installed and one is a custom batch file. The other one is a game utility from way back in the Win98 days and will not be getting updated any time soon.

I could not think of such a strategy other than making repositories like the Linux world has. Other than that it is up to the user to get those programs from trustworthy download location.

With measures like taken in CIS it is possible to take away a lot of user interaction. But even then there is a point where user interaction will be required.

There are more than a few smaller tools and programs out there that go under the radar. Mileage of course varies with a user’s software diet.

When I had VLC 2.0.3 & it was updated to 2.0.5 I got Unlimited Access Rights popup.

And I think the other was Sumatra PDF & one I dont remember but I think it was related to I guess HP media player or something.

And it depends on the softwares installed on the system.

But I must mention this happens few times with CIS 6 & I think masses will face this very few times to none. As manually updating a software & automatic update is different. Automatic update takes little time to be released so till then the updated version may be whitelisted by Comodo.

Melih has made a security product that is by-far the best around!

I think the virtual kiosk is truly amazing; plus default deny Kaspersky are starting to use - I think other security companies will also start using it

Well Comodo is the only company so far that really cares about protecting the users, not like others who only strategy is to sell the classic black list av. Melih is our pc guardian angel :a0 Thank you Melih for making this product for us, so far I trust 110% in Comodo. :slight_smile:

Even though i read it in teh internet,
“No”. :smiley:

Hi Melih

I wish to commend you for setting up Comodo and have just started working my way through your excellent link and its sub-links.

I first heard about Comodo some time last year while looking for an alternative to Firefox and came across Dragon then Ice Dragon as browsers, with excellent reviews. :slight_smile:

As a former Firefox user, discovering that Ice Dragon is based upon Firefox, I installed Ice Dragon and have never looked back.

Over the past few months I have gradually read up on more and more Comodo products, of which my latest download is Comodo Firewall, as I currently have the subscription based AVG anti-virus and AVG would probably clash with CIS, which I shall install at a later date.

I have also viewed your look at Comodo’s approach to keeping users’ computers safe in this link:

“ComodoTV: See How We Work for You.”

The fun way you describe allowing good programs and blocking bad and unknown programs makes the video very interesting, and the quality of the full screen is also far superior to other web sites’ full screens, without blur. :slight_smile:

I look forward to setting up Comodo Firewall later today. :slight_smile:

Hi comodo Hi Meilh

I dont speak english very well but i still or will be very congratulated if i recive an answer of you.

I must say something about my experiences and try to clarify my viewpoint of your company.

I am not very good on informatic, i learn all i know as try and error, now i can remove viruses, i can combine security software and mantain a os. I have a work place and i offer my services to my clients and friends (especialy pretty girls). But before a medium experimented informatic user I am sociologyst specialist on culture and belive systems.

I use comodo when geekbuddy support are free and learn too much, but always i am worried (inquieto) about comodo dont appears in comparatives, but now i read your post and thecnically you open my eyes, you are a litle Quijote in a crazy world.

The comodo ideology are very good and I think It was securtity for the masses from the begining, giving us a whole holistic and complete product security product, very comprensive in your languaje, a product who guarantees his correctly functionament and compatibilty whith other products, you (Melih, Comodo company in general) giive us a very good firewall and very good antivirus, and foment us the learning and responsability of what allow and what not allow. I only miss a plug in like trafflic ligth because my mother likes green or red alerts when navigate for the web, its most helpful.

Ok go back to social things. Your topic security for the masses are great, I see comodo 6 more easy to configurate, but dont like repetitive menues like advanced seetings who appears in every tab, but in general terms the new interface and the configuration by default are good for much people, my mother can use this computer whith comodo and losses the fear to high level of alerts.

I think maybe comodo dont appear in comparatives (AV Comparatives), but are a quality product and can testify i never has infected when i use, and recive support inmediatily.

I can see your ussers are a priority for you and see comodo has a great comunity in the backstage respalding, sending samples, bugs, and spread the word, and help the less experimented users.

I think comodo not are a security product per se, are a social moviment who try to create a trust in the web, to give the peace on mind and security what all of us have as a righ not a luxury.

I think comodo are strong for the comunity user, the active participation of CEO and the inmediaty support by ticket, buddies, and forum. The human factor are the most valuable in comodo. and i think thats are the multilayered security. I dont talk about sandbox kiosk antivirus etc i talk the human side, every user, every expert, every executive, CEO, everyone here in comodo as a whole comunity are a layer of security. One for all and all for one, and thats good. I never see a forum like this complete and open to opinions, sugestions and more.

I only have a sugestions for your project

1.- Make a mode who only shows the higly suspicious activity in fw and sandbox.

2.- Improve perfomance.

3.- Add a browser plugin.

4 . Improve buddies support to help us to report bugs and explain it better, some people like me want to participate more active but i can not because i dont speak english very well and dont know formats.

5 Improve buddies to send mails or create reports about the problems who they can not solve and need tickets by the same reazon explain before.

6 Improve buddies and tell listen all the problems explication, they are very ansious and want to intervent remote before know all details of issues.

7 Make us more easy to participate in the comodo development and incluse create a tool to detect bugs or send you logs of many sistems, colect informatin of users about the product inconvenences and issues by silent trafic or during updates to help to improve a best security product.

Mantain us informed about new thearts and how prevent.

I dont know if you do all that, but its help us.

Finally i suggest you open two topics first one internal comparative of the issues solved in diferent forums, to see how many comodo users are solve their problems and another product users solve it or not. Forums activity comparative are very usseful. Compatibilyty problems, FP, Virus problems solved and not solved, a litle graphic can show us how efective are comodo.

Please Comodo Melih, dont changue your mind and continue prodivde us that excelent software and knowldoge

Thank you for protect us and teach us

Oh Im not fanboy but i want to wirte a very positive revirw on truspilot and other places to spread the word. And i must tell you i dont belive in promises or spots, i belive in my experience, in what i see, and i see comodo are a good software (incredible software) and a great social movimient where human side are most valuated.

Thank you for read me and i hope read more topics of you because are very instructive

Happy birthday (ok i come very latter but i see 11 march your birthday and felicitate) and congratulations for that beautiful utopia.

See ya Melih Quijote

Thank you for a long and well thought-out post!


thanks to you for answer thats confirms the topics label security for the masses i am very happy you answer me

Good to have Melih posting more often again.

If i may add.
I think from personal experience the comodo forum is very unique in that the CEO partakes in conversation on the forum.
I actually cannot think of any other vendor forums where this occurs.

I would imagine most people have a vision of the CEO of any security company sitting in a dark office and segregating themselves from everyone else.
It is so refreshing to come to the comodo forum and developers and melih are in true harmony with the users of comodo and i think this is great and is a credit to the company as a whole. ;D

Hala Great Melih!

As a Maven this is my pride that COMODO is my #1 security solution for PCs

Thank you Sir and All Comodo Staff for Creating Trust Online :-*

Thank you for your kind words.

Buy VoodooShield and make it part of CIS.
CIS should become more simpler and consist of this modules: AV+FW+VS

No need for HIPS, BB, Sandbox, GeekBuddy, etc.
Simple as that. And built for the masses.

From what I can find all VoodooShield does is say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to applications based on whether they are whitelisted or not, correct? I think Comodo could do that without acquiring VoodooShield, but I might be wrong in how it works.

VoodooShield seems like an anti executable. Not something Comodo would need. It is already possible to set up CIS as an anti executable for those who like.

Could you specify how? If you mean setting BB to “Blocked” then I must say that I do not agree with that being a proper solution because it doesn’t notify when it blocks something.