A free online file verdict service “Valkyrie” is formally released today!

Hi, our lovely guys,

At first, thank you guys for all the time’s supports of our Valkyrie!

Appreciate for your continuous feedback and efforts, which encourage us to further improve our product:

(1) For the proposed bugs, we will gather them this week and arrange to make them fixed next week;

(2) We are now developing much stronger and more effective dynamic emulators/detectors in our server side, expect for current CAMAS. Once our hardware deployment is ready, we will “invite” those detectors to make contributions to you guys’ submitted files.

Again, thank you so much!

                                                                                               Your sincerely,


Great to hear, Fanny.
I noticed that Camas’ verdict isn’t involved in final verdict.
IMO It should determinate a final verdict, as well as static detection and Advenced heuristics.
I’ve seen few reports of malware when heuristics said that file is safe, but CAMAS was suspicious, and final verdict was safe anyway.

You are doing great job, guys! :-TU
Thank you for everything!
You can always count on our support! ;D

(:CLP) :BNC :■■■■

thats great to hear. i havent seen improvements to camas in a while. i could only imagine what the valkyrie team can do to it after seeing the power of the ai detectors and advanced heuristics.
im really excited to see the next release

keep up the amazing job! :-TU

well done guys… keep up the good work… :-TU

What’s about making Valkyrie uploader similar to this?


It looks good, see the verdict in client, no need to go to the website :-TU

that would be useful. i think a new gui would be more helpful. maybe a description link and tells a brief description of how each AI engine works.

brief description of how each AI engine works.

I guess is too much for Comodo’s competitors :wink:

i guess so. comodo really out did themselves with valkyrie. i could only imagine how much code it took to write everything. im curious how many lines it took

head of valkrie works from 10am to 1am everyday. they are an amazing tem who truly care for your protection

Wow, that must be really hard work.
Pass my and all other users’ thanks to VK team! :-TU

Their new born child will behold their work and name even in long future…:-TU

thats crazy! thats true dedication. us users are truley grateful

Thats why we love COMODO.
Not only for the excellent products, but because of the TRUE interest they put on us, end users. :slight_smile:

Thank you COMODO.

i appreciate how hard he works but could he get just a tad more time off. that’s unhealthy. i don’t want the guy to die. i’m glad you huys care about us but we care about you guys too

3 different results for FakeAV:




This example shows the need to include CIMA/CAMAS dynamic analysis into Valkyrie final verdict…


Sometimes Dynamic detection says “Unexecutable” which is obviously wrong and AdHeuristics shows no results (Unknown), like it couldn’t make an analysis…a bug?

AdHeuristics doesn’t react on all the files.
When it find something suspicious in file - it shows results, when not - it doesn’t.

Hmmmm…static verdict of 98% is not suspicious enough? :a0
Seems to me it’s Unknown because Dynamic said Unexecutable.
Maybe I’m wrong…

I mean AdHeuristiit’s different than AI detectors and I guess there aren’t any connections.