Where do i find Chromodo ??

Hello i have Cis and Dragon installed. But where do i find Chromodo. When i search for Chromodo on Comodo homepage and download it, its not Chromodo but Chromium secure …very strange where do i find Chromodo 36.6 ??? :frowning:

You can download it from http://cdn.download.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/4000/xml_binaries/chromium_secure/chromiumsecuresetup.exe .

Please forget the name of the installer. It says it is the installer for Chromium Secure but it will give you Chromodo.

Thanks for the link. Can i install this besides Chromium Secure or will it be replaced by Chromodo?

It will replace if I recall correctly. I think the installer will ask if you want to upgrade to Chromodo. If you want them side by side you can install Chromodo as portable installation.