no viable destination disks found for the selcted item

I was trying to do a full disk image of my C: drive and I got the following msg: ''no viable destination disks found for the selected item"
I assume that since this is an image file and bootable and therefore it has to go on a DVD that I must choose -1- 'Disk Partitions and MBR and then -2- Backup format: Mirror disk/partition
Also my C: drive (on an SSD drive) where my OS sits, is on Disk 2 and NOT Disk 0 so neither Disk 0 nor Disk 1 were chosen. However, on the next step, where the above message popped up. There is a button that says, “Choose Disk” and below it are 2 choices: ‘Disk 0’ and ‘Disk 1’ Neither of which I originally chose nor want. So I am confused with everything here and do not know what to do.