Help in making wildcard rule

Unless you have first hand information from Comodo employee(s) stating Comodo is telling lies is mere speculation and is simply continued venting of frustration.

That being said rudeness and continuously taking frustration out on other people is not acceptable behavior.

So let’s not continue down that path and face up to the fact that development has slowed down and that things are beyond our control. The only thing we have control of is how we respond to this.

I see a silver lining in that much effort was spent to get Intel’s TDT properly implemented which means there has been work at the engine level and that those resources can now be used for different objectives.

Rudeness is a deliberate choice as is the underlying victimizing of self. At one point those things will have to come to an end.

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It would have helped a lot if I had received an answer on my question on the Comodo Internet Security 2024 v12.3.2.8124 BETA topic. Any answer would suffice and was good enough for me but not getting any means to me that my assumption is correct.
I’ll stop here, I’ve vented enough frustration in this thread.

Hi all,

Thanks for your replies.


I will make that rule. The drive is an internal drive. It is in a dedicated logical partition so when I boot to my dualboit 2nd partition I can use them. The 2nd partition is a mirror of the default so I will apply the same rules there.

The posts here are a nice read. Thanks all. I did not know some of the intricates. Cheers!




Works also. Thanks there!